Friday 5 September 2008

EA causes choas in £20,000 fuel giveaway!

Massive traffic jams were seen outside Last Stop garage in Finsbury Park, North London this morning. The reason? No not the everyday hustle-and-bustle of England’s vibrant capital. Electronic Arts were promoting Mercenaries 2: World in Flames by giving away £20,000 worth of free petrol. Seriously, I’m not yanking your chain here. Take a look for yourselves.

Unsurprising the locals were not best pleased with this and started complaining to anyone who would listen. Even the political got in on the act.

Lynne Featherstone, MP for Hornsey and Wood Green, said: "Whilst a lucky few might have got free petrol, hundreds of residents have faced misery".

While the Liberal Democrat said: "Trying to recreate Venezuelan-style fuel riots on the streets of London is completely irresponsible and downright dangerous.”

Oh those crazy politicians and their relentless logic!

The thing that strikes me most about this story is EA’s audacity to pull something like this off. Basically crippling a busy at of London just to promote a game that is expected to sell very well is totally insane! But you know what, I tip my hat to you EA. You guys sure do have some guts, that’s for sure. And, by the sound of it, it worked like a charm. Many people in line to get their free fuel were saying that they were going to get Merc 2 as soon as it came out. Now that’s what I can marketing!

Kudos, EA, kudos, you crazy bastards you!

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