Friday, 5 September 2008

'Ghostbusters 3' Announced! Who You Gonna Call?

1980's film squeals seem to be on the rise again. With the leaked news of Lethal Weapon 5 a little while ago it was inevitable that something else would follow suit soon. And so it is as Columbia Pictures has just announced the third film in the Ghostbusters franchise, nearly twenty years after the often scorned sequel.

Whether this announcement fills you with joy or a deep creeping horror it's undeniable that this has been on the cards for a while. Like the long fabled video game (which, by the sounds of it, is also finally being made) rumours and speculation surrounding Ghostbusters 3 have been flouting around for quite a few years.

For all of the doubters out there in cyber-space there are a few things to take comfort in. Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky, the writers and producers of the Office (American version), have been recruited to write the script. That sounds promising at least. The biggest and most exciting news however is that there are plans to reunite the original cast of Ernie Hudson, Harold Ramis, Dan Aykroyd and, hopefully, Bill Murray. In a way, that's a no-brainer as a film without those guys would be pretty pointless. It sounds like there are doubts over Murray but if presented with a decent script and, let’s face it, a big enough cheque then I'm sure he'll be on-board too.

There are certainly reasons to be positive if everything comes together but until the cast and story are confirmed and with so much left unsaid we really need to reserve judgement. I'm optimistic but I've been burned before so curious is essential.

For the full story check out Empire!

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